Sunday, February 18, 2007

In between basketball games and karate tournaments, I have finished some stitching projects including a pinball for the Quacker Quarterly Exchange on the Legacy Board and a Silver Needle Secret Needle Night project from last year. The front and back of the AY's Necessities Quaker Pinball are shown in this post. It was stitched on 40 count linen over two threads using Madeira Silk.
I have done better on the reading front finishing Guns, Germs and Steel and A World Lit Only by Fire. I am fascinated by the reasons why some animals were domesticated and others were not from Guns, Germs and Steel. I also wonder how William Manchester would rewrite his text about Magellan in light of the infromation about the Chinese Treasure Ships that circumnavigated the globe and discovered the Americas in 1421. Magellan probably heard of their journey while he was in the far east and may have had access to some oftheir maps and log books. This weekend, I have been reading of West with the Night, whether Beryl Marckham wrote the book or not, she was a remarkable woman and the stories told in the book are magical and romantic.

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